Sunday, July 12, 2009

Last Day in Tahoe

Hey everybody, Yellow Dog told me to go ahead and write one more post since I'm still out West and he's too far away from the keyboard to get his paws on it. Today was the last day of the writing retreat in Tahoe. Angela and I got our work done in the morning so we decided to skip out before our presentation with some folks from Clemson to go parasailing. I've always wanted to try it, and I wasn't disappointed at all!

The view was amazing!

It was probably the windiest day of the whole trip, so it made a lot of sense to get out and do something that would be fun in the wind, right? Right. Much better than working ALL day long. We snuck out a few minutes before lunch feeling a lot like high-schoolers sneaking out of school to go drink some beer before the football game. Not that I would know anything about doing something like that. But, I've heard stories.

We got down into town quickly and hooked up with a boat to take us out. We got right up in the sky and enjoyed the beautiful day

The guides were great. It was pretty funny listening to the "trip talk" instead of giving it. I had to laugh at the jokes about only losing a couple of people a season. I've told a few of them myself to the poor souls that sat in my rafts to go down the Ocoee.

I was most impressed with how well these guys got the chute ready for us. They were right on top of the customer service skills. They would have made great ERA guides back in the gorge.

Well, this has been a great trip. I didn't sleep a whole lot while I was out here. I didn't want to miss a second of all the good stuff there was to do here out in Tahoe. I could get used to this weather. It was 45 or so in the mornings and never really got above 75 in the afternoon. I wish I had my bike out here. The riding would have been amazing. But, I would not have gotten any work done at all, which would have been bad since the folks at the National Writing Project were kind enough to fly us out here to work. I met some great people and I'm really looking forward to the conference in Philly this November.

I'm off to bed now. Can't wait to see the Yellow One tomorrow night. I'm sure he'll have some good stories about his week in the ATL.

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