I don't know what possessed him to decide it was time to carry that beast up the hill, but he sure looked like he had a good time sliding down towards the creek in that thing.

After he finished all of his grading, the Food Guy and I jumped in the mobile dog house for a trip up to see the folks in PA. The drive was epic with a capital E. It was ridiculous, really. It snowed the whole way up there, and we got stuck in traffic for hours. It was so cold out that I even talked the Food Guy into letting me ride up front when we stopped for gas. The trip up there took 10 hours. You know we're not good at sitting still that long, but we managed. Once we got there, we went for a couple of good runs in the snow and saw some cool stuff.

I had fun hanging out with my northern grandparents.

I liked hanging out up there.
My grandma spoiled me and bought me a really cool toy shark to play with. After a couple of days up north, our visas expired and it was time get back down south of the ol'l Mason Dixon line. Being a couple of Georgia crackers, we can't stay up in those parts too long, so we jumped back in the mobile dog house and headed for Camp Z. I got to ride up front again because the Food Guy's Mom loaded up the back of the truck with a bunch of stuff. Big ups to her for hooking me up with a cush, warm ride home.
We spent the next few days chillin' at Camp Z. We went for a couple of good runs while the snow had mostly melted away, and I hung out while the Food Guy chopped up a bunch of firewood to keep us warm. Thursday, we got another huge load of firewood, and I watched while the Food Guy split wood and stacked all the wood. I think he was pretty tired by the time he got finished. I mean, heck I was tired from just watching him.
We headed down to the Lake to hangout with my southern grandparents and the Food Guy's sister, bro-in-law, and niece for Christmas day. We had a good time down there. I put in some serious time sleeping on the couch with the Food Guy's dad. That couch is so comfortable, I can't imagine why I can't always sleep on couches. Someone should talk to the Food Guy about that. It's unjust, I think. My dog-cousin- Gracie- was there, and we had lots of fun running around. She's a pretty cool dog, but you have to get one of the people to watch her when it's time to eat. That dog has a serious Napoleon Complex, and she is always trying to steal my food. All in all, it was a great holiday. The Food Guy and Dennis sat around playing the guitar and the banjo (I think they might have also drank a little Jameson), and I caught up on my sleep. We did get one good run in while we were down there, and it was nice to run when the temperature was above freezing. That didn't last too long though, it was snowing by the time we finished our run yesterday morning.
Today, we braved the blizzard and trekked back up to Camp Z. We came home to a foot of fresh snow.

If I were a better dog (and I am), I'd put all of my dog bones on me and the Food Guy getting into something cool tomorrow.

Stay tuned!
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