Anyway, after the people ate all their good food, they played this crazy card game. It's called Dirty Clubs. It's kind of like Spades, but the person that loses has to do the forfeit. The forfeit for this game was the famous "PowerNut" which consists of taking 6 hot Krispy Kreme donuts, mashing them together, and eating them like a Big Mac.
Poor Justin lost. So all the people loaded up in cars and headed to the QT to obtain some donuts. Justin cruised through the first half of his forfeit, but Food Guy said he looked like he was hating it for the last few bites. Hopefully he hasn't gone into a diabetic coma.
New Year's Ended with another plumbing commodity at Reeve and Rin's. Food Guy and Reeve started doing the dishes when the sink decided it didn't want to drain anymore. I tried to tell the Food Guy that this wouldn't have happened if he let me lick all the plates clean, but I interrupted myself by throwing up the food Rin had snuck me earlier. Not too convenient. Anyway Reeve and Food Guy spent most of the day trying to sort out the plumbing issues. They didn't have much luck.
The first good news of the day was the Dawgs win at the Capital One Bowl. I was pretty happy to watch the boys take care of business and beat the Spartans. I wasn't too happy the my boy AJ Green didn't get to break the 1000 yd receiving mark, but we won. All in all not a bad year considering all the injuries we had this season. Like I said before, I'm pretty sad that football's over. But I got some pretty sweet christmas presents from Jen, Zozo, and Sug. On our way home, Food Guy and I stopped by to visit them. I got a brand new bone with dead animal still on it and everything. It is so good. I chewed on it for most of the night. Then I played with the Yellow Baby that they gave me until I was so tired I fell asleep.

All in all it was a pretty good start to 2009. Good times with good friends, a W for my Dawgs and some good presents. 2008 was a pretty good year, but I'll bet 2009 will be even better.
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