What's up, y'all? The Food Guy and I just rolled back into Athens from a fun-filled weekend. I spent a lot of time chillin' in the back of my mobile dog house this weekend. First, we cruised out of Athens Thursday night to head up to Boone so the Food Guy could look for a new dog house for me. This was our third trip up there since he got his new job, and finally we found a place. Check it out:

It's a pretty sweet place close to town. The Blue Ridge Parkway is just down the street, and I heard there are some good trails to run not too far away. When we went to look at this place, I noticed that almost every house in the hood had a dog. They all seemed pretty chill and one big ol' golden came over to say hi to me while I was walking around sniffin' the yard. The yard is pretty sweet by the way. There's even a little pond:

We looked at lots of places over the last month or so, and this place is the best by far.

It has lots of room in the yard for me to run around, and lots of room inside for me to play with my toys inside too. There's a pretty sweet deck outside the kitchen for me to chill on while the Food Guy is at the University making my dog food money. He made the deal on the house official today, so now he just has to get the bank to approve the house and the loan. He also has to get it inspected, and the VA has to give the approval on the house too. So, there's still a lot of hurdles to jump before this place is ours, but hopefully everything will work out. There's lots of room for our friends to come stay with us when they come up to run, ride bikes, climb, paddle, and ski. All the floors are tile and hardwood, so the Food Guy won't have to worry about me coming in and getting carpets dirty if my paws are muddy. Keep your paws crossed for us that everything works out for us.
We stayed with our friends Gregg and Karen out in Vilas and I got to play with their dogs on Friday and Saturday. They have a sweet place out by the Watuaga river, and their dogs are fun to run around with, which is good 'cause the Food Guy will be heading out there to paddle the Watauga a bunch once we move up there.
We left Boone, saturday morning and drove over to Bryson City, so Food Guy could go for a run in the Smokies. Those stupid park rangers won't let dogs on the trails in the park. I had to stay in the truck while the Food Guy ran with Reeve and Preston at Nolan Creek. They looked pretty tired when they got back to the truck, so I didn't really mind missing that run. Sometimes, it's better to sleep than to run 11 or 12 miles. Food Guy let me play by the river at NOC when they finished running, so I still got to have some fun.
Today, I slept in the truck some more while the Food Guy paddled the river before we drove back to Athens. It was a pretty good weekend. I'm pretty tired from all the traveling and the Food Guy needs to do a little work now. He is meeting Bob tomorrow to get his feedback on his dissertation. It goes to the full committee at the end of the week. He's almost done with that thing. I can't wait! This is gonna be a good spring!
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