I've got some big news for y'all. The food guy found got a job! Exciting stuff, don't ya think?! I do. Starting in August the food guy will be teaching in the department of Curriculum & Instruction at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. You know what that means? I'll tell ya: unlimited dog bones for me. Ah, the joys of having a food guy with a real job. Good stuff, indeed. He ended up having to choose between working at Western Carolina or ASU. I think it was a tough choice for him because he has some good friends that teach at Western, but in the end he decided that he liked ASU better. On his trip up there, there was an ice storm. Check out the ice hanging off the boat on top of my mobile dog house.

Crazy, huh?! He didn't end up paddling on the way home from the interview at ASU- only partly because of the ice. The real reason was that he needed to high-tail it back to Athens to get some help from his advisor about which job to take. I'm glad we're heading to Boone. It's cold up there in the winter, so it'll snow a lot. I love playing in the snow. There's also a lot of good hikes and runs that we can go on, so I'm excited about that. I've even started carrying my own food and water when we head out into the woods to hike. Check out my pack:
Pretty sweet. It hasn't been all working and job searching for us. We've gone on some good hikes lately. Check out this picture from Horse Trough Falls. Pretty sweet spot:
That's about the end of the playing in the woods for the next month or so. Since food guy actually has a job, he needs to get his dissertation wrapped up. He got some good feedback on the first 3 chapters from his advisor this week, and he has a good start on chapter 4. This next 6 weeks we will be in lockdown mode getting this thing wrapped up. He has to have all 5 chapters to his advisor on March 15th, and the final defense is April 13th. So wish him luck. I'll have to settle for morning runs and a couple of walks during the day for a while. I'm not worried though- we will have lots of new adventures soon.